Sony Reveals New Ghost Of Tsushima Footage

Sony this week aired a new State Of Play video focusing on Sucker Punch Productions’ upcoming Ghost Of Tsushima video game.
The State Of Play featured a commentary from the game’s developers and offered viewers almost 20 minutes of brand new gameplay footage including combat and exploration.
Ghost Of Tsushima follows Jin Sakai, one of the last remaining samurai, on Tsushima Island who is tasked with defending the island from invading Mongol forces.
In the game, Jin will have two fighting styles; the honourable head-to-head Samurai method and the dishonourable, stealth-focused Ghost method.
The Samurai method will involve fighting enemies head-on and parrying them while switching between different stances. The Ghost method, meanwhile, sees Jin tackle enemies from the shadows while using stealth and a selection of weapons and tools such as smoke bombs, throwing knives, and firecrackers.
Ghost Of Tsushima has no waypoints. Instead, the game uses a wind mechanic which guides you to story locations and animals found throughout the world can lead players to hidden locations.
As explained in the video, Jin will be fully customisable. You will be able to acquire various armours to help you throughout the game, all of which offer different advantages regarding your play style.
Charms picked up around the world will offer boosts and bonuses to gameplay too. Also, dye flowers found throughout the Tsushima Island can be applied to armour to change its colour, offering full customisation.
Ghost Of Tsushima includes a photo mode which offers a variety of features including depth of field, emotions for Jin, and particle and wind effects. Players can also select music tracks to create a video with the Photo Mode.
The game will feature a Japanese voice track with subtitles, a feature which can be toggled before the game even starts. In addition, there’s a black and white Samurai movie-inspired film grain which can be turned on at any time for a more unique experience.
Ghost Of Tsushima releases July 17th for the PS4. The State Of Play video can be watched below:
Image Credit: Screenshot, Ghost Of Tsushima State Of Play on YouTube