Sony Announces PlayStation Plus Games For December 2021

PlayStation Plus December 2021

Sony has announced Godfall: Challenger Edition, LEGO DC Super-Villains, and Mortal Shell as December 2021’s free PlayStation Plus games.

The three games are all available on PlayStation 4. Mortal Shell and LEGO DC Super-Villains run in backwards compatibility on the PlayStation 5, while Godfall: Challenger Edition offers a native PlayStation 5 version.

December’s PlayStation Plus free games will be available from December 7th, and you can learn all about the games below:

Godfall: Challenger Edition – PS4 & PS5

Godfall is a looter-slasher released on PC and PlayStation 5 in November 2020, followed by a PlayStation 4 launch in August 2021. The game is set in a fantasy world split into the realms of Earth, Water, Air, and players take on the role of a heroic knight that must defeat challenging enemies as they hunt for loot in either single-player or co-op.

The Challenger Edition is an endgame version of the action RPG that offers three modes; Lightbringer, Dreamstone, and the Ascended Tower Of Trials. The game provides players with high-end loot and skill points to play the endgame content, but there is no full game on offer. Instead, players that download the Challenger Edition will need to upgrade to the main version of the game for its single-player campaign.

LEGO DC Super-Villains – PS4

LEGO DC Super-Villains is an adventure game set in the LEGO DC universe. The game follows a group of DC’s most famous villains who, following the disappearance of the Justice League, must protect Earth when a rival group of supervillains from another universe pose as heroes and embark on a search for a powerful artefact for their master.

The game allows for free roam, and it comes with over 15 levels, including the main story, Justice League, and DLC levels. There are hundreds of collectables to find and obtain, including heroes and villains from across the DC Universe, and the game allows you to create a custom character too.

Mortal Shell – PS4

Moral Shell is a Souls-like action RPG that is set in a shattered world where the remains of humanity rot. In the game, players control one of several “shell” characters that each have varying playstyles and backstories. The game is heavily inspired by the Souls series, revolving around challenging melee combat and defeating tough enemies and bosses.

However, the game includes new and revamped gameplay mechanics, such as health-leeching between shells. A remastered version of the game, Moral Shell: Enhanced Edition, is available for PlayStation 5, but the version available with PS Plus is the base PS4 edition.

The three games will be available to download for PlayStation Plus subscribers from December 7th. In addition, the three PSVR games made free last monthThe Persistence, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, and Until You Fall – are also available for download until January 3, 2022.