Rockstar Games Shares Details On GTA V And GTA Online’s New-Gen Update

Rockstar Games has shared new details on the upcoming new-gen update for GTA V and GTA Online for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series consoles.
The brand new update is set to release on March 15th, and Rockstar Games today (March 4th) published a news article explaining what players can expect from the games on PS5 and Xbox Series consoles.
According to Rockstar Games, GTA V will feature three new graphics options; Fidelity Mode, which offers improved visuals and targets 30 frames-per-second at native 4K resolution on PS5 and the Xbox Series X but upscaled 4K resolution on the Series S; Performance Mode, which targets 60 frames-per-second at upscaled 4K resolution on PS5 and the Xbox Series X but 1080p on the Series S, and Performance RT, a hybrid of the previous modes with upscaled 4K resolution, ray-tracing, and a target of 60 frames-per-second.
Alongside the above, the new versions of GTA V will also include faster loading times, increased population and traffic variety, increased vegetation density, improved lighting on shadows, water reflections, improved anti-aliasing, motion-blue, and detailed explosions, fire, and more.
The new update will include support for the PlayStation 5’s Haptic Feedback and Adaptive Triggers on the DualSense controller with sensations to weather effects, directional damage, rough road surfaces, and more. Finally, the update will also support Tempest 3D positional audio on PlayStation 5 and Spatial Sound on the Xbox Series consoles.
Grand Theft Auto Online’s update will include a range of new vehicles and a new addition to the Los Santos Car Meet; Hao’s Special Works, which offers a new class of races with specially modified vehicles, a weekly rotation of Hao’s Special Works Time Trails, best-in-class vehicle upgrades, and a Premium Test Ride, where players can get behind the wheel of the newly modified vehicles for free.
Alongside the above, GTA Online will include the new Career Builder feature to allow new and existing players seeking to restart to claim GTA$4,000,000 to select essentials such as business properties, vehicles, and weapons. The online mode will also receive numerous quality of life improvements, such as a newly designed tutorial, a new menu, and more.
Finally, GTA Online will also be available as a standalone title for PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series consoles, but it will be free for the first three months of launch for users on PlayStation 5.
Players with PS4 and Xbox One copies of GTA V and GTA Online can transfer their Story Mode progress and their Online characters and progression to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series consoles with a one-time migration for each. From today (March 4th), players can transfer the above by uploading their Story Mode save to the Rockstar Games Social Club and loading their Online character on new-gen consoles.
Rockstar Games ended its announcement by confirming that GTA V and Online will be available digitally on March 15th via the PlayStation and Microsoft stores with pre-purchase and pre-load starting on March 8th. Physical releases will launch in April, with more details to come.