Rockstar Games Announces GTA+ Online Subscription Service

Rockstar Games has announced its GTA+ paid subscription service.
The developer and publisher announced the new online subscription service yesterday in a blog post, detailing that the membership program is launching next week exclusively for GTA Online for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series consoles.
The new service offers new and existing players long-term benefits, including a recurring monthly GTA$500,000 direct deposit, the opportunity to claim properties around Los Santos that unlock updates previously missed, special vehicle upgrades, member-only discounts, GTA$ and RP bonuses, and more.
The benefits will seemingly vary with each month, and for the period of March 29th to April 27th, subscribers can claim the following:
- GTA$500,000 delivered to Maze Bank Accounts
- The Principe Deveste Eight with a complementary Hao’s Special Works upgrade before it’s available for purchase to the general public, along with the HSW Orange Trip and HSW CMYK Glitch Liveries
- The Auto Shop in La Mesa, which introduces new gameplay updates from Los Santos Tuners. Current Auto Shop owners can relocate to La Mesa at no cost
- Waived LS Car Meet Membership fees. Current LS Car Meet members with GTA+ will be reimbursed GTA$50,000 during the event period.
- Yacht owners can upgrade to the Aquarius Super Yacht at no additional cost.
- The Gussét Frog Tee and Broker Prolaps Basketball Top and Shorts automatically added to your wardrobe.
- The Conveyor Livery for the Mammoth Avenger, HVY APC, and TM-02 Khanjali.
- A selection of free paints and emblems for the Auto Shop.
- 3X GTA$ and RP on Hao’s Special Works Race Series.
- 2X Car Meet Rep on the Street Race Series.
In addition to the above, GTA+ Members can take advantage of special GTA+ Shark Cards that provide extra bonus cash from the PlayStation or Microsoft Store.
To unlock the GTA+ rewards each month, members must simply go to Legendary Motorsport, Hao’s Special Works, Maze Bank Foreclosures, DockTease, and other stores in GTA Online.
The new GTA+ subscription service will start at $5.99 a month on PS5 and Xbox Series consoles, and can be cancelled at any time. However, members must hold a copy of GTA V or GTA Online.