Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales – ‘Parting Gift’ Walkthrough

MIles Morales Parting Gift 3

Parting Gift is the second main mission of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and our Parting Gift walkthrough will guide you through the quest, its objectives, and any trophies that can be completed via the mission. Please be warned that there will be spoilers in our guide.

Parting Gift Walkthrough

After completing the Hold Onto Your Web-Shooters mission and watching the cutscene in which you meet Roxxon executive Simon Krieger and Peter reveals he’s travelling to Symkaria with Mary Jane for a few weeks, you’ll immediately be instructed on how to unlock skills.

Once you’ve unlocked a skill, you’ll get a phone call from Miles’ friend Ganke Lee, triggering the game’s second mission. Once the phone call with Ganke has finished, you’ll be tasked with meeting him at the amphitheatre in Central Park to open the gift received from Peter. Make your way across Manhattan towards the amphitheatre in Central Park by using all of the traversal techniques learnt in the first mission.

When you get to the amphitheatre, a cutscene will play and you’ll unlock the game’s Great Responsibility suit. Once the cutscene ends, you’ll have completed the Parting Gift mission.