Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales Mission List: How Far Are You Into The Game?

Spider-Man Miles Morales Mission List

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is one of few new games available on PS5. Although Miles Morales isn’t as long as its predecessor Marvel’s Spider-Man from 2018, the game is still jam-packed with fun main missions, several side missions, and plenty of collectables. Below, you can find a Miles Morales mission list so you can see how far along you are in the game as well as a list of all side missions too. Take a look at them below:

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Main Missions

Hold Onto Your Web-Shooters

Help Peter Parker protect a Raft convoy which is transporting escaped prisoners and Rhino. Check out walkthrough guide for the mission here.

Unlocks: Skill Tree.

Parting Gift

Meet Ganke Lee at the amphitheatre in Central Park to unwrap a secret gift from Peter Parker. Check our walkthrough guide for the mission here.

Unlocks: Great Responsibility suit.

New Thwip

Practice Peter Parker’s acrobatic improvisation Spider-Training challenge.

Unlocks: Spider Training challenges.

We’re Here For You

Investigate a break-in at Roxxon Plaza.

La Nochebuena

Celebrate Christmas with Miles’ mother Rio, Ganke Lee, and an unexpected guest.

Unlocks: Friendly-Neighbourhood Spider-Man (FNSM) App.

Harlem Trains Out Of Service

Test out the new FNSM App and help a familiar face with a train problem.


Meet Phin for a “friend date”.

Unlocks: Time Capsule collectables and Fast Travel.

Time To Rally

Attend Rio Morales’ campaign rally against Roxxon.

Unlocks: Classic suit.

Someone Left The Lights On…

Discover the truth about Nuform and learn more about the Tinkerer.

Corporate Espionage

Break into a Roxxon Lab for more information on Nuform and the Tinkerer.

Unlocks: Roxxon Labs enemy base and Remote Mine gadget.

Underground Undercover

“Join” the Underground to discover more about the group’s motives and plans.

Unlocks: Underground Hideouts enemy base.

Curtain Call

Break into an abandoned theatre where the Underground have stored te Nuform canister and destroy it.

Breaking Through The Noise

Meet with Uncle Aaron in Hell’s Kitchen for some much-needed super-hero advice.

Unlocks: Sound Sample collectables.

Tinker Tailor Spider Spy

Meet with the Tinkerer to find a way to stop Roxxon without endangering lives.

Thicker Than Blood

Head to the Osborn Science Museum to stop the Tinkerer.

Like Real Scientists

Confront the Tinkerer at the Osborn Science Museum and take back the Nuform canister.

The Battle For Harlem

Protect Harlem from the Underground and Roxxon and confront the Tinkerer for the final time.

Unlocks: Memory Lane and Cat’s Pyjamas side missions.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Side Missions

In addition to all of the main missions, we’ve made a list of all side mission in Miles Morales. Take a look at the full list of Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales side missions below:


Help Teo, the owner of a local bodega, with a looting problem.

Available: After completing Harlem Trains Out Of Service.

Harlem F.E.A.S.T. Shutdown

Help Gloria resolve a water-pumping issue at the Harlem F.E.A.S.T. center and re-open it for all residents.

Available: After completing Time To Rally.

Robbers Target Local Biz

Help a group of local businesses after being robbed by a group of criminals.

Available: After completing Time To Rally.

We’ve Got A Lead

Discover who is responsible for the local business robbery, F.E.A.S.T. water-pumping issue, and the attack on a power station.

Available: After completing Corporate Espionage.

Final Test

After completing all Spider-Training challenges, head over to ESU for one final test.

Available: After completing all Spider-Training challenges.

Back To The Beginning

After collecting all Sound Samples, head to the Prowler’s hideout for a special surprise.

Available: After collecting all Sound Samples.

Matter Up

After clearing all Enemy Bases, head to one of the Tinkerer’s hiding spots for a special surprise.

Available: After completing all Underground Hideouts and Roxxon Labs enemy bases.

Memory Lane

After completing the main story, head to Miles’ home and take a nap on his bed to start a postcard scavenger hunt.

Available: After completing the main story.

Cat’s Pyjamas

After completing the Looters! side mission and completing the game’s main story, head back to Teo’s bodega for a special surprise.

Available: After completing Looters! and the main story.

How many missions are in Spider-Man: Miles Morales?

There are a total of 17 main missions in Spider-Man: Miles Morales as well as 9 side missions. We’ve made a complete list of all missions in Spider-Man: Miles Morales here split by side and main missions along with details on when each mission can be unlocked.

Is Miles Morales Spider-Man a full game?

Yes! There are plenty of misconceptions regarding Spider-Man: Miles Morales, particularly about the game’s length. Although the game is shorter than most triple A games, Miles Morales is a full game and does not have any DLC.

Will there be DLC for Miles Morales?

It’s unlikely that there will be DLC for Spider-Man: Miles Morales. Developers Insomniac Games have not commented on any potential expansions, but with the game having released months ago and the main development team supposedly working on an outright sequel to Marvel’s Spider-Man, it’s unlikely that there is Spider-Man: Miles Morales DLC.