How To Use Spells In Elden Ring

How To Use Spells In Elden Ring

Playing as a mage is a popular build in Elden Ring, allowing you to perform powerful ranged attacks on enemies and bosses. Since spells can be found throughout Elden Ring’s world and putting together a mage build can be somewhat confusing, we thought we’d help by putting together a guide on how to use spells in Elden Ring with information on equipping spells and where to get them.

Other Elden Ring Guides
Elden Ring Area Order
How To Get To Nokron
Limgrave Boss List
What Does Faith Do?
How To Upgrade Summons
What Are The Best Talismans For Mages?
How Many Talismans Are In Elden Ring And How To Unlock Them

Equipping Elden Ring Spells

If you immediately start Elden Ring with a class focused on Intelligence, you’ll already have a few spells. Selecting Astrologer – the starting class with the highest Intelligence – will provide you with the Glintstone Pebble and Glinstone Arc spells. If you select the Prisoner – the starting class with high Intelligence and Dexterity – you’ll have access to the Magic Glintblade spell.

Upon starting the game with either Class, the spells will already be equipped and can be spotted in the upper equipment slot in the lower left-hand corner of the screen. When you find or purchase additional spells or sorceries, you can equip them by resting at a Site Of Grace, scrolling down to the Memorise Spells option, and then making changes by removing equipped spells and adding new ones.

Now, it’s important to note that you’ll only have a select number of spell or sorcery slots in Elden Ring, and you can acquire more by finding mage talismans that boost the number of slots or by finding Memory Stones that can usually be found by either defeating certain bosses or climbing to the top of Rise towers.

Spells each require one sorcery slot, while the larger spells can require two. This means that you’ll need to strategies and work out which Elden Ring spells are worth keeping and which you should leave behind until you acquire more spell slots.

How To Cast Spells In Elden Ring

To cast spells in Elden Ring, you’re going to need a staff. There are several staffs found through the game’s world, but if you select the Astrologer or Prisoner starting classes, you’ll begin the game with the Astrologer’s Staff or Glintstone Staff respectively, both of which can be acquired via story progression, along with a slew of other more powerful staffs and some with bonuses that increase your damage or casting speed.

With the staff equipped as a weapon in either your left or right hand, you can then cast spells by pressing the attack button; R1 or L1 for PlayStation consoles, RB and LB for Xbox consoles, and left and right click on PC. It’s important to highlight that some spells can be charged up by holding down the corresponding attack button, allowing for harder-hitting spells.

As you play through Elden Ring, you’ll want to level your Intelligence stat to increase the damage of your spells and sorceries and to unlock new, more powerful spells. In addition, we suggest you also level your Dexterity to increase casting time speed and level your Mind to increase FP to increase how much magic you can perform.

Where To Get Spells In Elden Ring

You can find spells and sorceries throughout the world of Elden Ring. Many you’ll find while exploring, while others will need to be purchased from NPCs or by exchanging boss Remembrances and Runes with Finger Reader Enia at the Roundtable Hold. There are dozens of Elden Ring spells and sorceries, and we suggest you take a look at our list and locations guide below, which will point you in the right direction.

Glintstone Spells

Glintstone spells are the most common types of sorcery that you’ll come across within the game. There are around 20 Glintstone spells, all of which simply require you to level your Intelligence stat. The Rock Blaster and Shatter Earth Elden Ring spells are boosted by the Digger’s Staff, which is usually dropped by a Sorcerer enemy in the Sellia Crystal Tunnel in Caelid.





Glintstone Pebble

Shoot magic projectiles at enemies

Intelligence: 0
FP Cost: 7
Slots: 1

  • Available as a starting spell for Astrologer classes

  • Can be purchased from Sorceress Sellen at Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave for 1,000 Runes

  • Can be purchased from Thops at the Church Of Ilrith between Limgrave and Liurnia Of The Lakes for 1,000 Runes

  • Can be purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold for 1,000 Runes with Thops' Bell Bearing

Glintstone Arc

Shoot a horizontal arc of magic at enemies.

Intelligence: 13
FP Cost: 10
Slots: 1

  • Available as a starting spell for Astrologer classes

  • Can be purchased from Sorceress Sellen at Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave for 1,500 Runes

  • Can be purchased from Thops at Church Of Irith in Liurnia Of The Lakes for 1,500 Runes

  • Can be purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold for 1,500 Runes with Thops' Bell Bearing

Swift Glintstone Shard

Shoots a faster than the basic Glintstone Shard but deals less damage

Intelligence: 12
FP Cost: 5
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased for 600 Runes from Preceptor Seluvis, Sorceress Sellen or Miriel Pastor Of Vows after giving them the Academy Scroll

Great Glintstone Shard

Shoots a stronger projectile than the basic Glintstone Shard but takes longer to cast

Intelligence: 16
FP Cost: 12
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased for 2,000 Runes from Preceptor Seluvis, Sorceress Sellen or Miriel Pastor Of Vows after giving them the Academy Scroll

Crystal Burst

Shoots a burst of Glintstone projectiles

Intelligence: 18
FP Cost: 14
Slots: 1

  • Dropped from the Demi-Human Queen boss in the Demi-Human Forest Ruins in Weeping Peninsula

Crystal Barrage

Shoots a slew of stronger Glintstone Crystal Shards

Intelligence: 23
FP Cost: 14
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Sorceress Sellen for 1,500 Runes at Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave

Gavel Of Haima

Creates a magical hammer that can slam enemies

Intelligence: 25

FP Cost: 25
Slots: 1

  • Can be found in a chest atop the Converted Fringe Tower in Liurnia Of The Lakes

Rock Blaster

Creates a magical shockwave into the ground that is stronger than Shatter Earth

Intelligence: 21

FP Cost: 25
Slots: 1

  • Can be found in a chest inside a storage shed in the Sellia Crystal Tunnel

Glintstone Stars

Shoots three projectiles that follow and attack enemies

Intelligence: 12
FP Cost: 14
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Sorceress Sellen for 3,000 Runes at Waypoint Ruins in Limgrave

  • Can be purchased from Gowry for 3,000 Runes at Gowry's Shack in Caelid

Cannon Of Haima

Shoots a large and explosive magical projectile

Intelligence: 25
FP Cost: 45
Slots: 1

  • Can be found in a chest atop of the Converted Fring Tower in Liurnia Of The Lakes

Scholar's Armament

Casts an enchantment on your right-hand weapon, allowing it to deal magic damage

Intelligence: 12
FP Cost: 25
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Sorceress Sellen for 3,000 Runes at Waypoint Runes in Limgrave

Scholar's Shield

Boosts the defence of the shield equipped on your left hand

Intelligence: 12
FP Cost: 30
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Sorceress Sellen for 2,500 Runes at Waypoint Runes in Limgrave

Shard Spiral

Shoots a ranged projectile that forms a spiral as it travels

Intelligence: 27
FP Cost: 14
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Sorceress Sellen for 8,000 Runes at Waypoint Runes in Limgrave after progressing her questline

Shatter Earth

Creates a magical shockwave into the ground

Intelligence: 15

FP Cost: 12
Slots: 1

  • Found on a corpse in the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel in Liurnia Of The Lakes

Star Shower

Shoots six homing magical projectiles

Intelligence: 24
FP Cost: 23
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased for 10,000 Runes from Preceptor Seluvis, Sorceress Sellen or Miriel Pastor Of Vows after giving them the Conspectus Scroll

Thorps' Barrier

Conjures a shield against spells

Intelligence: 18
FP Cost: 7
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by Thops outside the Schoolhouse Classroom Raya Lucaria Academy Site Of Grace after completing his questline and giving him the Academy Glinstone Key


Conjures a ball of light that illuminates all surroundings

Intelligence: 15
FP Cost: 12
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Thops at Church Of Irith between Limgrave and Liurnia Of The Lakes for 2,500 Runes

  • Can be purchased from Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold for 2,500 Runes via Thops' Bell Bearing

Terra Magica

Conjures a zone that boosts your magic damage whenever damage is dealt to enemies within it

Intelligence: 20
FP Cost: 20
Slots: 1

  • Found by defeating the Crystalians bosses in the Academy Crystal Cave and taking the elevator up to a tower within Raya Lucaria Academy

Glintstone Cometshard

Shoots a comet that leaves a trail

Intelligence: 36
FP Cost: 19
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased for 12,000 Runes from Preceptor Seluvis, Sorceress Sellen or Miriel Pastor Of Vows after giving them the Conspectus Scroll


Shoots a powerful comet at enemies

Intelligence: 52
FP Cost: 26
Slots: 1

  • Found in Raya Lucaria Academy after passing an illusory wall before the Debate Parlour Site Of Grace and Red Wolf Of Radagon boss

Carian Spells

There are a total of 10 Carian spells available in Elden Ring, all of which simply require levels in Intelligence. The Carian Glintstone Staff boosts the Carian sword spells and the Carian Glintblade Staff boosts all remaining Carian spells.





Carian Phalanx

Conjures several swords that appear over your head and are fired at enemies when in close range

Intelligence: 34
FP Cost: 26
Slots: 1

  • Sold by Perceptor Seluvis for 12,000 Runes at Seluvis' Rise in the Three Sisters, Liurnia Of The Lakes

  • Can be purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold for 12,000 Runes via Seluvis' Bell Bearing

Carian Greatsword

Conjures a magical greatsword and performs a horizontal slice attack

Intelligence: 24
FP Cost: 14
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Miriel, Paster Of Vows at the Church Of Vows for 10,000 Runes

Carian Piercer

Conjures a magical sword and performs a thrust attack

Intelligence: 27
FP Cost: 19
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by the Teardrop Scarab in the gardens of Caria Manor in Liurnia Of The Lakes

Carian Slicer

Conjures a sword that can perform a combo of fast slice attacks

Intelligence: 14
FP Cost: 4
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Miriel, Pastor Of Vows, Sorceress Sellen or Perceptor Seluvis for 1,500 Runes after giving them the Royal House Scroll

Carian Retaliation

Conjures a portal behind an enemy and fires a Glintblade, preventing them from attacking or casting spells

Intelligence: 17
FP Cost: 8
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Preceptor Seluvis for 9,000 Runes at Seluvis' Rise at Three Sisters in Liurnia Of The Lakes

Glintblade Phalanx

Conjures several Glintblades that appear over your head and are fired at enemies when in close range, stronger than the Carian Phalanx

Intelligence: 22
FP Cost: 20
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Miriel, Pastor Of Vows, Sorceress Sellen or Perceptor Seluvis for 2,500 Runes after giving them the Royal House Scroll

Greatblade Phalanx

Conjures several Greatblades that appear over your head and are fired at enemies when in close range, stronger than the Glintblade Phalanx

Intelligence: 29

FP Cost: 35
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by Bols, Carian Knight at the Cuckoo's Evergaol


Removes all Sleep and Madness build-up

Intelligence: 17

FP Cost: 10
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by Preceptor Miriam in the Carian Study Hall after using the Carian Inverted Statue

Magic Downpour

Conjures a cloud of magic that fires an onslaught of projectiles

Intelligence: 15
FP Cost: 20
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by Preceptor Miriam in the Carian Study Hall

Magic Glintblade

Conjures a sigil that shoots an enemy-seeking glintblade 

Intelligence: 14
FP Cost: 12
Slots: 1

  • Starting spell for the Prisoner Class

  • Can be purchased from Miriel, Pastor Of Vows at the Church Of Vows for 3,000 Runes

Claymen Spells

There are two Claymen spells available in Elden Ring, which require you to put levels into Arcane and Intelligence to use. There are no staffs that boost the spells.





Great Oracular Bubble

Conjures a bubble projectile that moves towards enemies until it explodes

Intelligence: 25
Arcane: 18
FP Cost
: 16
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by a Teardrop Scarab in a room filled with Claymen past the Worshippers' Woods Site Of Grace

Oracle Bubbles

Conjures several small bubble projectiles that move towards enemies until they explode

Intelligence: 19
Arcane: 15
FP Cost
: 12
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by a Teardrop Scarab on a broken statue past the Siofra River Well Depths Site Of Grace

Aberrant Spells

Aberrant spells are thorn-based. There are two available in the game and although they solely require levels in Faith, they are cast with a staff, not a talisman. The Staff Of The Guilty boosts all Aberrant spells, the Alberich’s Set boosts all spells, and the Albinauric Staff increases Bloodloss buildup by scaling with Arcane.





Briars Of Punishment

Shoots a trail of bloodthorns over the ground to impale enemies

Faith: 21
FP Cost: 13
Slots: 1

  • Found next to three fire Sorcerers before the bridge to the Golem Archer in the Mountaintops Of The Giants

Briars Of Sin

Shoots large thorns from your own blood

Faith: 24
FP Cost: 9
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by a fire Sorcerer near the Artist's Shack Grace in Liurnia Of The Lakes

Full Moon Spells

There are two Full Moon spells in Elden Ring, acquired from Ranni and Rennala, Queen Of The Full Moon. Both require high Intelligence to use and the Carian Regal Scepter boosts all Full Moon spells, while the Snow Witch Hat boosts Ranni’s Dark Moon spell.





Ranni's Dark Moon

Conjures a cold, dark moon and launches it at enemies, inflicting them with Frostbite and reducing their magic protection

Intelligence: 68
FP Cost: 62
Slots: 2

  • Found in a chest atop of the Chelona's Rise tower after progressing Ranni The Witch's quest

Rennala's Full Moon

Conjures a full moon and launches it at enemies, reducing their magic protection

Intelligence: 70
FP Cost: 55
Slots: 2

  • Purchased from Enia at Roundtable Hold with Remembrance Of The Full Moon Queen after defeating Rennala, Queen Of The Full Moon

Loretta’s Spells

The two Loretta’s spells are based on the two Loretta boss fights in Elden Ring. Both spells work in the same way, conjuring a giant bow with magic arrows, but the latter fires additional arrows. All spells require Intelligence to use and there are no staffs that boost the spells.





Loretta's Greatbow

Conjures a giant bow that fires a magical projectile, can be charged to increase damage

Intelligence: 26
FP Cost: 28
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by the Royal Knight Loretta boss at Caria Manor, Liurnia Of The Lakes

Loretta's Mastery

Conjures a giant bow that fires four magical projectiles

Intelligence: 46
FP Cost: 43
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by Loretta, Knight Of The Haligtree boss at Miquella's Haligtree

Night Spells

Night Spells are spells powered by the force of night. There are a total of seven available and the projectile spells are semi-invisible, which means enemies are unable to dodge them when compared to ordinary spells. All night spells require Intelligence and the Night Shard and Night Comet spells are boosted by the Staff Of Loss.





Ambush Shard

Conjures a projectile that shoots enemies from behind

Intelligence: 23
FP Cost: 16
Slots: 1

  • Found on a body in the underground jail of the Witchbane Ruins

Eternal Darkness

Conjures a black vortex that pulls in other spells

Intelligence: 35
FP Cost: 25
Slots: 1

  • Found on a body inside a jail cell of the swamp lookout tower in Caelid

Night Comet

Shoots a comet that is invisible to enemies

Intelligence: 38
FP Cost: 24
Slots: 1

  • Found in a chest in the centre of Sellia, Town Of Sorcery. It's blocked by a barrier that can be removed by lighting the town's braziers

Night Maiden's Mist

Conjures a mist that damages all enemies within it, can be chargeable to increase its radius

Intelligence: 14
FP Cost: 20
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Gowry at Gowry's Shack in Caelid for 5,000 Runes after completing his quest

Night Shard

Shoots a magical projectile that is invisible to enemies

Intelligence: 18
FP Cost: 7
Slots: 1

  • Can be purchased from Gowry at Gowry's Shack in Caelid for 4,000 Runes after completing his quest

Unseen Blade

Makes your right-hand weapon invisible to enemies

Intelligence: 12
FP Cost: 18
Slots: 1

  • Can be found atop the Mirage Rise Tower after beating its puzzle

Unseen Form

Makes you and Torrent invisible to enemies, reducing the range at which they spot you

Intelligence: 16

FP Cost: 20
Slots: 1

  • Can be found atop the Mirage Rise Tower after beating its puzzle

Cold Spells

There are a total of five Cold spells available in Elden Ring, all of which deal frost damage and can buildup Frostbite. Cold spells require Intelligence and the Snow Witch Hat boosts Cold spells.





Adula's Moonblade

Conjures a giant greatsword and performs a slash then shoots a projectile of frost

Intelligence: 32
FP Cost: 26
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by Glintstone Dragon Adula at the Cathedral Of Manus Celes at Liurnia Of The Lakes after progressing Ranni's quest

Freezing Mist

Conjures a cold mist that deals Frostbite damage

Intelligence: 21
FP Cost: 20
Slots: 1

  • Can be bought from Perceptor Seluvis for 6,000 Runes at Seluvis' Rise at Three Sisters in Liurnia Of The Lakes

  • Can be bought from the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold for 6,000 Runes via Seluvis' Bell Bearing

Frozen Armament

Enchant your right-hand weapon with frost damage

Intelligence: 15
FP Cost: 20
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by a Teardrop Scarab behind Caria Manor after defeating the Royal Knight Loretta boss

Glintstone Icerag

Shoots an ice glintstone projectile that deals frost damage

Intelligence: 15
FP Cost: 12
Slots: 1

  • Can be bought from Perceptor Seluvis for 7,500 Runes at Seluvis' Rise at Three Sisters in Liurnia Of The Lakes

  • Can be bought from the Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold for 7,500 Runes via Seluvis' Bell Bearing

Zamor Ice Storm

Conjure a frost tornado, can be charged to increase damage

Intelligence: 36
FP Cost: 22
Slots: 1

  • Found on a body at Zamor Ruins in the Mountaintops Of The Giants

Death Spells

There are a total of five Death spells in Elden Ring, all of which require levels in Intelligence and Faith to use. Death spells are boosted by the Prince Of Death Staff.





Ancient Death Rancor

Summons a group of spirits that chase down enemies, more powerful than Ranorcall

Intelligence: 34
Faith: 24
FP Cost: 24
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by the Death Rite Bird in Liurnia Of The Lakes

Explosive Ghostflame

Conjures an explosion of ghostflame that burns enemies

Intelligence: 42
Faith: 30
FP Cost: 29
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by the Death Rite Bird on the frozen river near the Apostate Derelict in the Consecrated Snowfield

Fia's Mist

Conjures a mist of death

Intelligence: 23
Faith: 18
FP Cost: 25
Slots: 1

  • Awarded after defeating Fia's Champions bosses in the Deeproot Depths


Summons a group of spirits that chase down enemies

Intelligence: 16

Faith: 14
FP Cost: 14
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by a Teardrop Scarab in an underground crypt of Stormveil Castle

Tibia's Summons

Summons a trio of skeletons that attack enemies

Intelligence: 28
Faith: 20
FP Cost: 20
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by the Tibia Mariner boss at Wyndham Ruins on Altus Plateau

Magma Spells

Magma spells are unique sorceries powered by lava and are acquired around Mt. Gelmir. There are four Magma spells, they require a mixture Intelligence and Faith to use, and they are boosted by the Gelmir Glintstone Staff.





Gelmir's Fury

Conjures magma that shoots out of the ground

Intelligence: 28
Faith: 15
FP Cost: 27
Slots: 1

  • Given as a reward by Recusant Bernahl at Volcano manor after completing his request

Magma Shot

Shoots a lump of magma at enemies that explodes on impact, can be charged to increase damage

Intelligence: 19
Faith: 10
FP Cost: 18
Slots: 1

  • Given as a reward by Tanith at Volcano manor after completing the first assassination request

Roiling Magma

Shoots a lump of magma that explodes after hitting the target, can be charged to increase damage and delay the explosion

Intelligence: 21
Faith: 12
FP Cost: 32
Slots: 1

  • Found on a body inside the Hermit's Shack in Mt. Gelmir

Rykard's Rancor

Conjures spirits that explode after a short delay

Intelligence: 40

Faith: 18
FP Cost: 35
Slots: 1

  • Purchased from Enia at Roundtable Hold for Remembrance Of The Blasphemous after defeating Rykard, Lord Of Blasphemy

Primeval Spells

Primeval spells are a special class of powerful sorcery, all of which require high Intelligence to use. Primeval sorceries are not boosted by any other staff.





Comet Azur

Shoots a giant comet that deals immense damage by holding the cast button, but forces you to remain still for the duration of the spell

Intelligence: 60
FP Cost: 40
Slots: 3

  • Found on Primeval Sorcerer Azur near Hermit Village at Mt. Gelmir

Founding Rain Of Stars

Conjures a rain of stars that showers enemies

Intelligence: 52
FP Cost: 32
Slots: 2

  • Inside a chest atop the Heretical Rise at the Mountaintops Of The Giants

Stars Of Ruin

Shoots a series of homing projectiles, can be charged to increase damage

Intelligence: 43
FP Cost: 38
Slots: 1

  • Given by Master Lusat after interacting with him in Sellia Hideaway as part of Sorceress Sellen's quest

Crystal Spells

Crystal spells are all based around the power of crystals, with Intelligence required to use them. There are three spells and they can all be boosted by using the Crystal and Rotten Crystal Staffs.





Crystal Release

Conjures a mass of crystals that shatter and rain down upon enemies

Intelligence: 41
FP Cost: 38
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by the Crystalians at the Academy Crystal Cave in Liurnia Of The Lakes

Crystal Torrent

Fires a stream of crystal shards

Intelligence: 47
FP Cost: 24
Slots: 1

  • Dropped by the Putrid Crystalians bosses at Sellia Hideaway in Caelid

Shattering Crystal

Conjures a crystal that explodes and fires numerous projectiles

Intelligence: 38
FP Cost: 32
Slots: 1

  • Found on a body at the Church of The Cuckoo in Raya Lucaria Academy in Liurnia Of The Lakes

Best Sorceries And Spells For Mage Builds

If you’re specialising in a pure mage build, there are a number of powerful sorceries and spells you can use. Some of the best sorceries and spells in Elden Ring include the following:

  • Glintstone Pebble: Excellent for early game but becomes obsolete by mid to late game
  • Glintstone Arc: Allows you to wipe out groups of enemies
  • Gavel Of Haima: Great for dealing lots of damage, stunning enemies, and attacking groups
  • Great Glintstone Shard: A more powerful version of the Glintstone Pebble, great for later areas
  • Carian Slicer: Allows you to perform quick magic-infused melee attacks in succession
  • Rock Sling: Excellent for dealing lots of damage, also tracks enemies for an almost guaranteed hit
  • Loretta’s Greatbow: Perfect for launching a ranged attack on an enemy when other spells cannot reach
  • Night Shard: Perfect when you dealing with enemies that frequently dodge your spells
  • Comet Azur: Deals lots of damage if you can hit enemies. Great for large, slow enemies.
  • Adula’s Moonblade: Excellent for dispatching groups of enemies and launching ranged frost attacks

We hope our guide has helped you work out how to use spells in Elden Ring and has pointed you in the right direction for creating your ultimate mage build.