How Many Chapters Are In The Devil In Me?

The Devil In Me is the fourth instalment in The Dark Pictures Anthology and marks the end of the franchise’s first season. It follows the crew of documentary film group Lonnit Entertainment who are invited to a modern-day replica of H. H. Holmes’ Murder Castle and soon find their lives at risk. If you want to discover how long the game is or how far you are into the title, take a look at our chapter guide for The Devil In Me.
Related: Discover how to save everyone in The Devil In Me and get the best ending
The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me Chapters List
There are a total of 37 chapters in The Devil In Me, referred to as scenes within the game. None of the chapters can be skipped and all must be completed to finish the game.
The chapters in The Devil In Me aren’t very long, but their length is determined by how much you want to explore in your current playable area. Some chapters have lots of explorable and open areas, while others are much more linear and shorter.
We’ve put together a list of all chapters in The Devil In Me below. Just note, some of the chapter names can be considered spoilers, so take a look at your own risk!
- The World’s Fair Hotel
- Crew
- Trial
- Opportunity
- Ferry
- Island
- Guests
- Cigarettes
- Scouting
- Dinner
- Noises
- Staff Only
- Blackout
- Blood Trail
- Wall
- Separated
- Silver Ash
- Mannequins
- Incinerator
- Ignition
- Spa
- Breathless
- Plan
- Workshop
- Interrogation
- Morellos
- Waste Disposal
- Director’s Suite
- Reflection
- Chase
- Maze
- Pool
- Cliffside
- Homestead
- Lighthouse
- Reunion
- Lake
All of the chapters in the game come with various collectables, including clues, premonitions in the form of biology diagrams, Du’Met’s business cards, and obols.

If you miss a collectable or simply want to replay a certain scene or chapter, you can do so through the Scene Selector in the Main Menu.
How Long Is The Devil In Me?
It took us around eight hours to complete The Devil In Me‘s main story once, although it can be done much faster. We took our time exploring, gathering secrets, and obtaining as many collectables as possible.
One of the major features of all Supermassive Games’ titles is their replayability, and The Devil In Me is no different. Anyone looking to find all collectables and clues, unlock all endings, and get all trophies or achievements will need to complete multiple playthroughs, extending the game’s playtime by several more hours.
We hope our guide to the chapters in The Devil In Me has helped. Enjoy the game and do your best to survive!
If you enjoy Supermassive Games’ The Dark Pictures Anthology titles, you may also enjoy The Quarry, which tasks you with helping a group of teenagers survive their final night at the Hackett’s Quarry summer camp.