How many chapters are in Immortals Of Aveum?

There are a total of 18 chapters in Immortals Of Aveum as well as an epilogue, all of which vary in length and how long they take to complete. They are:
- Streetwise
- The Magnus
- Yltheum
- Road To The Palathon
- The Immortals
- The Hand Of Sandrakk
- Nocea
- Exile
- The Magic Eaters
- Caldera
- The Binding Mark
- Colossal
- Collateral
- Ruin
- Occupation
- Glaivegate
- The Shrouded Realm
- Mala-Dar
- Epilogue
Completing each chapter of the game unlocks a trophy on PlayStation or an achievement on Xbox and PC, counting towards 100% progress. Most chapters took me on average 30 minutes to complete, but there were others that took me well over an hour, depending on how much there was to explore or the backtracking I had to do.
After completing the epilogue, the game allows you to freely roam its world to complete any remaining side activities or tackle leftover trophies and achievements.