Farming Simulation Game No Place Like Home Gets Official Release Date

Awaken Realms has announced an official release date for its upcoming farming simulation game No Place Like Home.
The game, which marks the debut video game launch by the tabletop publisher, is set in a post-apocalyptic future where the Earth has been stripped of its natural resources and humanity has abandoned the planet for life on Mars. Those who chose to remain must clean the planet and restore its natural balance to start anew.
Gameplay in No Place Like Home primarily consists of clearing, recycling, crafting, cooking, trading, and more to transform Earth’s wasteland into farmland where humanity can prosper. As the player’s village and its community evolves from seeds to civilisation, so does the game’s possibilities.
Players will need to recycle and craft items to build their farm, scavenge the post-apocalyptic world for seeds to grow their own produce and cook nutritious meals that can be traded for items. The world will need to be explored and players will need to go on adventures to find secrets to help run the farm.
To expand farms, players will also need to restore wild habitats to attract wildlife and domesticate farm animals to help life thrive in and around their village. Finally, players can rebuild, refurbish, and decorate their house to customise it and make it theirs.
No Place Like Home is leaving Early Access and officially launching on March 10th for PC via Steam. You can check out the trailer below: