Dredge Trophy and Achievement guide: All Trophies and how to unlock them

Dredge Trophy Guide

There are a total of 40 trophies in Dredge, including one Platinum, four Gold, eight Silver, and 27 Bronze. Some trophies will be unlocked while playing and progressing the story, while others require you to complete secondary quests, solve puzzles, and more. In our Dredge trophy guide, you’ll find a complete list of all trophies, along with information on how to unlock them, and whether there are any missable trophies.

Dredge Trophy List And How To Unlock Them

As mentioned, around eight of the trophies in Dredge can be acquired by following the main story associated with The Collector, while some are acquired by using abilities unlocked throughout gameplay, and others require some time investment to unlock.

All trophies and achievements in Dredge can technically be unlocked in a single playthrough, including the trophies for the game’s two endings as Dredge simply reverts back to the point of no return after completing the game, allowing you to then unlock the second ending.

There are no missable trophies, but you must complete all Pursuits, which we’ve compiled into a list right here. In total, it took us close to 20 hours to platinum the game.

Check out the complete list of Dredge trophies below, along with details on how to unlock them.


How To Unlock

From The Depths

Obtain all other trophies


Complete the Introductions quest and meet the residents of Greater Marrow; the Mayor, the Fishmonger, and the Shipwright.

Master Angler

Catch all known 128 species of fish, including aberrations. You should have a complete encyclopaedia by the time you unlock this trophy.

The Key

Deliver the Key. You'll unlock this trophy after speaking with The Collector and finding the first of five relics - the Key - in Greater Marrow and giving it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle.

The Secret


Surrender the Music Box. You'll unlock this trophy after completing the main Pursuit related to Gale Cliffs and finding the second of five relics - the Music Box - and giving it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle.

The Bond


Entrust the Ring. You'll get this trophy once you've completed the main Pursuit related to Stellar Basin, have found the third of five relics - the Ring - and have given it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle.

The Chains


Relinquish the Necklace. This trophy will unlock once you've completed the main Pursuit related to Twisted Strand and have found the fourth of five relics - the Necklace - and have given it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle.

The Moment

Give Up The Pocket Watch. You'll get this trophy once you've finished the main Pursuit related to Devil's Spine and have found the final relic - the Watch - and have given it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle.


Find a use for the Relics. You'll unlock this trophy by following the main quest and getting the first ending. 


Throw it back. You'll unlock this trophy by getting the game's second ending. 

Perfect Packing

Have a full cargo. You'll get this trophy by filling every space of your cargo with fish and equipment at any time within the game.

Aberration Attractor

Catch all aberrations. This trophy will unlock once you've caught all aberrations available in the game.

From The Fog

Hear a Foghorn echo. To unlock this trophy, simply use your Foghorn ability at night to hear a Foghorn echo in the distance from an unknown entity.

Prey Sighted

Spot a fish of each category through your Spyglass. To get this trophy, you'll need to use your Spyglass and spot a fish of each category: Coastal, Shallow, Oceanic, Abyssal, Hadal, Volcanic, and Mangrove. The easiest way to do this is to use your Spyglass at each of the different islands and at sea between the major regions.

Mixed Results

Use Mixed Bait to attract three different species of fish to a single spot. To get this trophy, you'll need to have completed the main Pursuit of Twisted Strand and must use Mixed Bait to attract three fish and catch them. This can be done at any time.

Cruel Heat

Keep your Haste burn meter above 50% for 10 seconds. To get this trophy, you'll need to have unlocked the Haste ability and you'll need to use it and keep the burn meter above 50% for a total of 10 seconds.

Dimensional Bypass

Traverse a long distance using Manifest. You'll unlock this trophy after acquiring Manifest and using it to teleport back to Blackstone Isle.


Banish 10 threats. To unlock this trophy, you simply need to use the Banish ability once unlocked on 10 threats.

Unsustainable Fishing

Use Atrophy on a fishing spot a long way away. The easiest way to get this trophy is to look for a fishing spot once you've unlocked the ability, move away from the spot while keeping it in view, and then use the ability. If Atrophy doesn't work, you may be too far away from the spot, so just approach it and try again, and keep doing this until the ability works.


Complete all side quests. One way or another. You'll unlock this trophy once you've completed all Pursuits, including the main story missions. The five Pursuits related to the robed figures can be failed if you wait too long to retrieve the fish they request, but this still counts towards completion.

Safe Havens

Visit every dock in the game. You'll unlock this trophy after visiting and resting at all 15 docks in the game. They can all be found marked on your map.

Servant Of The Shrines

You'll get this trophy after completing all fish shrine puzzles, which require you to catch and offer several fish.

Feeling Prepared

To earn this trophy, simply install equipment into all slots on your ship once the trawler has been fully upgraded.

Researcher: Rods

You'll unlock this trophy once you've researched all rods.

Researcher: Nets

You'll unlock this trophy once you've researched all nets.

Researcher: Pots

You'll unlock this trophy once you've researched all pots.

Researcher: Engines

You'll unlock this trophy once you've researched all engines.

Lifted From The Deep

You'll automatically unlock this trophy once you've caught a total of 250 fish using rods only.

Trapped By These Walls

You'll get this trophy when you catch a total of 100 crabs using pots.

Tangled In This Web

You will earn this trophy after catching 150 fish in trawl nets.

Lives For Profit

You'll automatically earn this trophy once you've sold $2,500 worth of fish, you should get this trophy through natural gameplay.

Cash For Gold

You'll unlock this trophy after selling a total of $1,500 worth of trinkets to the Trader in Little Marrow.

Careless Harvesting

You'll unlock this trophy once you've depleted a total of 25 fishing spots. You should earn the trophy through natural gameplay.

Swift Reaper

To unlock this trophy, you'll need to research advanced rods and equip one or more to have a combined fishing speed of 200%.

No Time To Linger

You'll unlock this trophy after researching advanced engines and equipping one or more to have a combined engine speed of 75kn.

Light Up The Night

You can unlock this trophy after researching advanced lights and equipping one or more to have a combined light strength of 3,000 lumens.

Hull: Improved

You'll unlock this trophy once you've upgraded your hull to the second tier.

Hull: Refined

You'll unlock this trophy once you've upgraded your hull to the third tier.

Hull: Advanced

You'll unlock this trophy once you've upgraded your hull to the fourth and final tier.


You can earn this trophy by discarding a total of 25 fish after catching them.

That’s it! Now you know how to get all trophies and achievements in Dredge and how to unlock the platinum. Make sure to check out our other Dredge guides for more help with the Lovecraftian fishing sim, and don’t skip on our Dredge review either!