Dredge all Pursuits guide

Dredge is filled with numerous missions or Pursuits for you to complete while exploring the mysterious islands and seas of the game. There are dozens of Pursuits in Dredge, a majority of which are optional and do not need to be completed to finish the game. However, they do offer some great rewards and are required to complete (Or fail) if you want to get all trophies or achievements. You can learn more about the missions in our Dredge Pursuits guide.
How Many Pursuits Are In Dredge?

There are a total of 21 Pursuits in Dredge. The game’s main story is The Collector Pursuit, which splits into four other Pursuits at each of the four wider islands of the game. All other Pursuits are optional, but we suggest you complete them for their rewards, which can include books that provide you with bonuses, resources, research parts, trinkets, and more.
The complete list of Pursuits in Dredge includes:
- A Fresh Start (Tutorial)
- The Collector (Main Story)
- Hermitage (Required)
- The Bitter End (Required)
- Research Assistant (Required)
- Flames Of The Deep (Required)
- Caught To Order
- Castaway
- A Place To Rest
- Package Delivery
- Grotesque Fish
- Stone Tablets
- Lost At Sea
- Recording Rarities
- Craven Courier
- Best Before
- Dog
- Figure In Gold
- Figure In Purple
- Figure In Blue
- Figure In Red
To complete the story, you’ll only need to finish the Pursuits marked in bold. However, to unlock all trophies and achievements, you’ll need to complete all Pursuits. The mysterious figures can die if you take too long to find their requested fish, but the game will still mark this as complete, allowing you to grab all achievements and trophies.
How Long Is Dredge?
It took us just under 15 hours to complete the main story of Dredge, and it can take upwards of 20 to unlock all trophies and achievements in the game depending on how much you fished, completed optional Pursuits, and explored while playing. There are no additional playthroughs required of the game, and there is currently no New Game+.
That’s our guide to all Pursuits in Dredge! Make sure to check our review of the game and other guides for Dredge – our guide to unlocking all of the game’s endings may be of use – to help you complete the game, and good luck!