Bloodborne: All Trick Weapons And How To Unlock Them

Bloodborne Trick Weapons

Unlike its Souls predecessors, Bloodborne has a smaller selection of weapons. Each weapon comes in a basic and tricked version, with each having its own unique combos and animations. The game starts with a slim selection of trick weapons, but more can be unlocked and found throughout Yharnam. If you want a list of Bloodborne trick weapons and how to unlock them, keep on reading.

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Starting Trick Weapons

At the beginning of the game, three beginner trick weapons are available but only one can be selected; the Hunter Axe, the Saw Cleaver, and the Threaded Cane. Further weapons can be unlocked later on in the game, but you’ll have to stick with whichever weapon you select for a few bosses.

Hunter Axe

The Hunter Axe is, as suggested by the name, an axe that can be transformed into an extended axe. Of the three beginner weapons, the Hunter Axe is the slowest but can deal lots of damage to enemies. When extended, the Axe has a wider reach and can be swung in a circular motion to hit multiple enemies.

How to unlock: The Hunter Axe can be selected as a starting weapon. If not chosen, you can purchase it from the Messengers for 1,100 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Saw Hunter Badge on a corpse in the Yharnam aqueducts.

Saw Cleaver

The Saw Cleaver is a starting Bloodborne trick weapon that can be transformed between a saw and a cleaver. The Saw Cleaver is fast but has a short reach, while the tricked version of the weapon, much like the Hunter Axe, offers a wider reach that can take on more enemies but is slower.

How to unlock: The Saw Cleaver can be selected as a starting weapon. If not chosen, you can purchase it from the Messengers for 1,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Saw Hunter Badge on a corpse in the Yharnam aqueducts.

Threaded Cane

The Threaded Cane is the third and final starting Bloodborne trick weapon available. It can be transformed between a cane with a blade and a whip. The cane is quick but deals little damage, while the whip is great for crowd control, but it can be a little unyielding to use.

How to unlock: The Threaded Cane can be selected as a starting weapon. If not chosen, you can purchase it from the Messengers for 1,200 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Saw Hunter Badge on a corpse in the Yharnam aqueducts.

Base Game Trick Weapons

In addition to the above beginner Bloodborne trick weapons, there are dozens of other trick weapons that can be acquired throughout the game. Some can be found across Yharnam, while others are a little more complicated to get. Find out how to unlock these base game Bloodborne trick weapons.

Blade Of Mercy

The Blade of Mercy is a Bloodborne trick weapon that comes as a one-handed short-sword or as two dual-wielding blades. In both versions, the Blade Of Mercy is a fast weapon that can deal considerable damage, with the transformed version being somewhat faster.

How to unlock: The Blade Of Mercy Blade can be bought from the Messengers for 40,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Crow Hunter Badge when Eileen The Crow dies or when you complete her questline.

Burial Blade

The Burial Blade is a Bloodborne trick weapon that can transform between a one-handed sword and a two-handed scythe. The weapon as both versions offers a wide range and can be used to unleash a range of fast attacks.

How to unlock: The Burial Blade can be bought from the Messengers for 60,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Old Hunter Badge from Gehrman, The First Hunter.


The Chikage is a weapon that was used by the royal guards at Cainhurst Castle. The weapon can be used as either a sword or a sword imbued with blood. The basic version of the weapon deals ordinary physical damage while the tricked version of the Chikage deals powerful blood damage in exchange for your health.

How to unlock: The Chikage can be bought from the Messengers for 50,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Cainhurst Badge by joining the Cainhurst Vilebloods.


The Kirkhammer is a silver sword and giant hammer trick weapon. The Kirkhammer’s basic form can be used to deal quick light attacks, while the giant hammer is slower, deals more damage, and can stagger opponents.

How to unlock: The Kirkhammer can be bought from the Messengers for 3,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Sword Hunter Badge by defeating the Cleric Beast.

Logarius’ Wheel

Logarius’ Wheel is a Bloodborne trick weapon that is used by Martyr Logarius’ executioners. The weapon can be spun and slammed into the ground. When transformed, the Wheel can be powered up at the expense of health to deal more damage.

How to unlock: Logarius’ Wheel can be bought from the Messengers for 13,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Wheel Hunter Badge from Alfred, Hunter Of Vilebloods.

Ludwig’s Holy Blade

Ludwig’s Holy Blade is a Bloodborne trick weapon that comes in a one-handed longsword and a two-handed greatsword. The longsword version of Ludwig’s Holy Blade is faster than the tricked greatsword, but the latter deals much more damage. Both have a decent reach, but the tricked version of Ludwig’s Holy Blade narrowly beats it out.

How to unlock: Ludwig’s Holy Blade can be bought from the Messengers for 20,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Radiant Sword Hunter Badge found in the Healing Church Workshop.


The Reiterpallasch is a Bloodborne trick weapon that is used by the Knights of Cainhurst. The weapon transforms between a rapier and a tricked gun that fires Quicksilver Bullets. The weapon performs thrust and slash attacks.

How to unlock: The Reiterpallasch can be found in a chest to the right of the staircase at the entrance of Cainhurst Castle. Alternatively, the weapon can be bought from the Messengers for 18,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Cainhurst Badge by joining the Cainhurst Vilebloods.

Rifle Spear

Like the Reiterpallasch, the Rifle Spear is a Bloodborne trick weapon that can be transformed between a spear and a gun. The weapon has wide reach and, once again like the Reiterpallasch, its ordinary attacks involve slashes and thrusts.

How to unlock: The Rifle Spear can be found inside a building in Old Yharnam in the area you fight Djura’s ally. It can be found down a ladder and past a series of platforms leading to the building. Inside, the weapon is on a corpse. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 4,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Powder Keg Hunter Badge from Djura.

Saw Spear

The Saw Spear is a Bloodborne trick weapon that comes as a saw and a tricked spear. The Saw Spear uses the same moveset as the Saw Cleaver, but its transformed version offers a wider reach. It deals more damage than the Saw Cleaver, and the Spear also deals thrust and blunt damage.

How to unlock: The Saw Spear can be found in the sewers of Central Yharnam. The weapon is on a corpse hanging above several boats and must be cut down from the rafters. Later on, it can be bought from the Messengers for 1,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Saw Hunter Badge on a corpse in the Yharnam aqueducts.

Stake Driver

The Stake Driver is a weapon used by Djura in Old Yharnam. Unlike most other Bloodborne trick weapons, the Stake Driver comes in an unloaded and loaded mode. Both versions allow you to deal quick attacks, but the unloaded version of the weapon provides you with more reach.

How to unlock: The Stake Driver can be bought from the Messengers for 8,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Powder Keg Hunter Badge from Djura.


The Tonitrus is a short weapon that, when “transformed”, temporarily buffs the weapon to deal bolt damage.

How to unlock: The Tonitrus can be found in Hypogean Goal at the end of a road that is being guarded by two dogs and a Snatcher. It can be bought from the Messengers for 26,000 Blood Echoes after acquiring the Spark Hunter Badge by defeating Darkbeast Paarl.

DLC Trick Weapons

In addition to the base game weapons, there are dozens of DLC Bloodborne trick weapons that you can acquire. Learn all about each DLC trick weapon below and how you can unlock them.

Amygdalan Arm

The Amygdalan Arm is a Bloodborne trick weapon, which is an arm of a small Amygdala and used as a club that can be transformed into a scythe-like weapon. The club is slower but can deal heavy damage, while the scythe version of the weapon has wider reach via its whip-like animations.

How to unlock: The Amygdalan Arm can be found in a cave off the River of Blood in the Hunter’s Nightmare. The trick weapon is guarded by the Blood-Starved Beast. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 66,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Beasthunter Saif

Beasthunter Saif is a Bloodborne trick weapon that was used by the old hunters of Yharnam. The weapon acts like a sword but can be transformed into something that’s similar in appearance. to the Saw Cleaver. Both versions of the weapon are fast and can perform several quick attacks.

How to unlock: Beasthunter Saif can be found after the River Of Blood, past a bridge and an Old Hunter and Carrion Crows. You’ll need to climb a ladder, drop from a ledge, and defeat a red-eyed Old Hunter that uses the same weapon. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 16,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Beast Cutter

The Beast Cutter is another Bloodborne trick weapon that can be found in The Old Hunters DLC. Like the Beasthunter Saif, the Beast Cutter is a heavy weapon that can attack large crowds, and it transforms between a large sword and a whip-like tool that is somewhat faster.

How to unlock: The Beast Cutter can be found in the Hunter’s Nightmare on the steps towards the Grand Cathedral where you will have to defeat a red-eyed Old Hunter that uses the Boom Hammer. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 20,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.


The Bloodletter is a DLC Bloodborne trick weapon that is used by Brador. It transforms between a mace and a morning star, with the latter draining the player’s health. Both versions are quick at attacking.

How to unlock: The Bloodletter is dropped by Brador once you’ve opened his cell after acquiring the Underground Cell Inner Chamber Key, given by Simon The Harrowed. Brador’s cell can be found between the Underground Corpse Pile and the Research Hall. The weapon can later be bought from the Messengers for 44,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Boom Hammer

The Boom Hammer is another weapon used by the Old Hunters, which is a giant hammer that, when transformed, can be ignited to deal fire damage. The weapon is slow, but it can deal plenty of damage, particularly against enemies that are weak to fire.

How to unlock: The Boom Hammer can be found near the corpse of a Wheelchair Huntsman in the building by the River Of Blood. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 44,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Church Pick

The Church Pick is a weapon used by the Healing Church that can be transformed between a sword and a war pick. The weapon deals thrusting damage, so it is particularly useful against enemies weak to thrusts, although it doesn’t do much damage to other enemies.

How to unlock: The Church Pick can be found in the dungeon past the Underground Corpse Pile after defeating the Hunter locked in one of the cells. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 16,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Holy Moonlight Sword

The Holy Moonlight Sword is a trick weapon found in The Old Hunters DLC. The arcane weapon is wielded by Ludwig, and it transforms between a one-handed Greatsword and a two-handed Moonlight Greatsword that can perform arcane damage.

How to unlock: The Holy Moonlight Sword can be found at the Underground Corpse Pile. After defeating Ludwig, you’ll either need to kill him or answer his question and wait for him to die. After reloading the area, Simon The Harrowed will provide you with the sword. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 80,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Kos Parasite

The Kos Parasite is a Bloodborne trick weapon that is found on the carcass of Kos. The weapon transforms between a single tentacle and duel-wielding tentacles, and it is best used with the Milkweed Rune, which offers additional movesets, wider range, and more.

How to unlock: The Kos Parasite is dropped by the Orphan Of Kos once defeated. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 60,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.


The Rakuyo is a Bloodborne trick weapon that was used by Lady Maria Of The Astral Clocktower. The weapon transforms between a single-handed twin blade and dual-wielding daggers. The Rakuyo is fast, and when dual-wielded, can deal lots of damage.

How to unlock: The Rakuyo can be found inside a well in the Fishing Hamlet. You’ll have to defeat two Giant Fishmen – one of which is hiding – and the weapon is dropped by the second Fishman. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 50,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Simon’s Bowblade

Simon’s Bowblade is a weapon used by Simon. The Bloodborne trick weapon transforms between a blade and a bow, the latter of which uses quicksilver bullets. The blade deals physical damage and the bow bloodtinge damage.

How to unlock: Simon’s Bowblade can be acquired at the Lighthouse Hut in the Fishing Hamlet by completing Simon The Harrowed’s quest. Alternatively, it’s dropped by Simon once defeated at either the Hunter’s Nightmare, the Underground Corpse Pile or the Research Hall. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 24,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Whirligig Saw

The Whirligig Saw is a Bloodborne trick weapon that can be found in The Old Hunters DLC. The weapon transforms between a long mace and a wielded buzzsaw. The mace performs ordinary attacks, while the buzzsaw can deal multiple attacks.

How to unlock: The Whirligig Saw can be found inside a church in the Hunter’s Nightmare. It can be found on a corpse past some rafters. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 30,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Chalice Dungeon Trick Weapons

Beast Claw

The Beast Claw is another Bloodborne trick weapon found in The Old Hunters DLC, which transforms between a claw-like weapon and into werewolf arms. Like Kos Parasite, equipping the Beast’s Embrace rune provides you with additional attacks.

How to unlock: The Beast Claw can be found in a treasure chest in the room before the Lamp in the second layer of the Ailing Loran Chalice. It can later be bought from the Messengers for 34,000 Blood Echoes after being obtained.

Those are all of the Bloodborne trick weapons. It’s important to note that there are multiple versions of each weapon that can be found in the Chalice Dungeons. We hope this guide has helped you discover how to unlock all trick weapons in the game.